Rubber Pads to Keep Furniture From Moving

Having a furniture piece that slides on smooth flooring surfaces is non only a nuisance, but it can damage your floors!

You tin proceed piece of furniture from sliding on your floors by using floor protectors such as an area rug, furniture grippers, furniture pads, slip pads, wooden blocks, or felt pads. Let's break downwardly the details, including the pros and cons for each.

White couch with brown legs sitting on carpet to prevent it from sliding on or damaging hardwood.

Having a comfortable space is key for family rooms or whatsoever room where you spend time with family and friends. No thing the floor type, occasionally furniture pieces, especially heavy piece of furniture, will slide.

In that location are a number of solutions you tin notice to keep burrow legs, table legs, and the other legs of your furniture from sliding on your flooring. Finding the one for your specific state of affairs will have just a bit of investigation and peradventure a quick trip to your local home comeback shop or hardware store.

Consider your floor type when making your selection for the best solution to avoid the common problem of sliding furniture. Y'all will desire to eliminate sliding article of furniture while simultaneously protecting the dazzler of your floor.

Area Rug

Surface area rugs tin be placed just under the front chair legs to keep a chair from sliding. If y'all are placing an area rug over carpeting, you lot volition likely see expert success. However, you might still boxing sliding if the rug is on hard floors such equally wooden floors, tile floors, or laminate flooring.

Area rug on hardwood flooring in living room to prevent sliding furniture.

Adding a safe carpeting pad below your carpet is an piece of cake manner to take intendance of sliding. The merely problem with this is some types of rubber pads can be hard on wood floor. Exist certain you notice a pad that volition not create other problems down the road.

If yous decide to employ an expanse carpet, it's a skillful thought to buy a rug large enough to allow the front legs of the chairs and couch to all sit down on the rug to help tie the space together.

Area rugs work well for java tables that slide every bit you volition typically position all 4 feet of the table on the rug, eliminating opportunity for motility.


  • Tin add a cute decor chemical element to your space while simultaneously reducing furniture sliding.


  • Volition likely crave some form of carpeting pad underneath rug if used on a hard floor surface.
  • Tin exist expensive.

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Also note, sometimes it's necessary to put something under an area rug to keep it from sliding!

A set of rubber pads tin can can on hard floor surfaces such as hardwood or a vinyl floor but an anti-slip rug pad will exist your best bet to keep expanse rugs from sliding on rug.

Furniture Grippers

Furniture grippers are an inexpensive solution to sliding furniture. The fundamental is finding the right size of grippers to fit the chair legs or table legs. These come in a multifariousness of dissimilar sizes, and then this shouldn't be an issue.

Man holding package of rubber furniture grippers to keep furniture from sliding.

Some piece of furniture grippers require yous to cutting to fit the foot of the piece of furniture, while others are pre-sized. These are a very good solution on most hard floor surfaces as they will non likely harm your floors unless you place them over clay and droppings.

These would work bang-up for a sliding bed, living room couch, and other heavy items and large pieces of furniture.


  • Aesthetic solution as piece of furniture grippers are hardly noticeable.
  • Good choice for nearly all flooring types (would advise felt pads for hardwood floors).
  • Inexpensive.
  • Readily available.


  • Occasionally demand replaced, depending on the quality.

Keeping Floors Clean

Keeping floors clean in and of itself volition not forestall piece of furniture from sliding. Just, article of furniture is much more likely to slide around on grit bunnies, pet hair, or other droppings that is on your flooring. Plus, as mentioned above, this could lead to scratching the floor surface.

Regularly sweeping your floors is a practiced idea and an like shooting fish in a barrel fashion to reduce sliding furniture.


  • Inexpensive
  • Easy.


  • Will reduce only not nowadays article of furniture sliding.
  • Ongoing chore that needs to be completed regularly.

RELATED: Go on a Kitchen Make clean with These Piece of cake Steps

Rubber Article of furniture Pads

Rubber article of furniture pads or non-sideslip furniture pads can give your article of furniture enough grip to stay put.

Many of the rubber pads come in a sock-like shape so you lot will need to ensure you get the proper size to fit on the tips of the chair or burrow legs. Exist sure to measure the furniture anxiety earlier ordering silicone floor protectors.

These caps are not as inconspicuous every bit the furniture grippers or felt pads that get directly nether each of the legs of your furniture. But, they definitely give a nice grip to a hard surface to reduce furniture sliding.

Standard rubber pads are typically a soft material that requite plenty grip for the anxiety of your piece of furniture to stay in identify.

A downside to safe pads is they tin can potentially cause discoloration of hardwood flooring. Others take reported some level of scuffing on hardwoods with the safe pads.


  • Easy to utilize.
  • Dainty grib to hard floors.
  • Likely the cheapest option.


  • Tin discolor your flooring.
  • Some find the sock-like rubber pads unattractive.

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Wooden Blocks

DIY solutions such as making your own wooden stop blocks can help article of furniture from sliding. Ane would demand some handyman skills to properly measure, cut, and attach the wooden blocks with a minor nail to the couch or furniture particular.

While this might reduce sliding furniture, it is leap to scratch your hard floors, specifically hardwood flooring. Leaving scuff marks from the wood blocks is not the simply problem. As mentioned, y'all would demand the proper tools and equipment to make this solution.

If y'all are feeling slightly handy, you can trace a pattern of your article of furniture leg onto a piece of cardboard. Use that as a guide to cut out a wooden block.

While it won't completely foreclose sofas or recliners from sliding on the floors, information technology tin can keep heavy furniture from getting too close to the wall or shifting much with utilize.


  • Custom fit to your article of furniture as y'all will take the exact measurements and make them accordingly.


  • You will demand to make these yourself; therefore, one must have some ground handyman skills too as tools.
  • Can scratch hardwood flooring, tile, and linoleum floor, specially when using on heavy items.

Felt Pad

Using felt pads is an easy and inexpensive option. The felt will not impairment your flooring so yous can rest easy regarding this if you lot have hardwood floors.

Man placing adhesive felt pad on the bottom of a chair to protect wood floors.

Simply felt pads, whether purchased in just the right size or cut with scissors from your own felt, will probable not fully preclude furniture from sliding as they do non provide enough friction.

You may demand to find a remainder betwixt cute hardwood floors and slick floor.

Dining room chairs are a expert fit for felt pads every bit they permit chairs to slide more than smoothly while protecting the floors.


  • Inexpensive.
  • Exercise not damage the floors.
  • Skillful for dining chairs.


  • Do non completely forestall furniture sliders.

I hope you lot have found some effective ways to gainsay furniture from sliding. About of these items can be plant at your local dwelling house comeback store such as Home Depot or Lowes.

Unlike textures of flooring will impact your conclusion, of course. Affordable solutions are readily bachelor, you just have to determine what is the all-time solution for you!


How do I keep my couch from sliding?

As a general rule, furniture grippers that are rubber are your all-time bet to go on your burrow from sliding on hardwood floors or other hard flooring surfaces.

How do you keep furniture from sliding on carpet?

Rubber pads or a rubber carpet pad underneath an area rug should eliminate sliding furniture on carpet.

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Prep Time 5 minutes

Agile Time 10 minutes

Full Time 15 minutes

Difficulty Easy

Estimated Cost $10


  • Furniture grippers
  • Area rug
  • Felt pads


Determine which solution to end furniture from sliding is best for your abode and flooring blazon. Cost of projection varies greatly depending on product selection.

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